Staff Health & Wellbeing
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The Council takes the wellbeing of staff very seriously, and now more than ever we know that information about the support available to you needs to be easily accessible and clear.
Traumatic events of any kind have a negative impact on the mental health and wellbeing of those affected.
During the Coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19), there is the additional consideration of the impact of self-isolation on individuals, relationships, and communities.
In addition to mental health threats, there are threats to physical health due to changed working practices, limited opportunities to pursue healthy habits, issues around food supply and choice, and the possibility of increased reliance on unhealthy coping strategies e.g. increased alcohol consumption or smoking.
Some of the results from February 2021 Wellbeing survey are below
respondents say their mental health & wellbeing is one of their top concerns
% receive useful and very useful support and information from their colleagues
% of respondents are optimistic rarely or none of the time
% respondents say working from home / remotely has been a positive change as a result of the pandemic
% of respondents are in regular contact with their line manager
% feel useful all the time or often
% of respondents are working in their workplace or in the community rather than working from home
% of respondents would you like to return to working in an office environment for 1 – 2 days a week in the longer-term
We are keen to mitigate the impact of self-isolation and stress on staff. To achieve this we have been developing a new Covid-19 Wellbeing Plan and Toolkit for staff.
The Council arranges a number of free wellbeing webinars, this support is in response to the Council’s Wellbeing Survey and form part of the Wellbeing Plan and Wellbeing Toolkit.
The free webinars offer great support for wellbeing and mental health. Please book your spaces by clicking the name of the session below.
Upcoming webinars:
Latest Updates
Annual Leave Entitlements for 2020/21 and Carry over arrangements relating to Covid-19
The Chief Officer Team take officer’s health and wellbeing very seriously, and have asked all managers across the council to ensure that annual leave forms part of wellbeing discussions that should be undertaken with all staff. These discussions should consider outstanding annual leave entitlements for the remainder of the current leave year, and agree / plan when breaks from work will be taken before March and what annual leave might be carried over into the next year.
All employees are reminded you can and should still apply for annual leave. We would encourage you to still plan to take annual leave, for your own health, safety and wellbeing as breaks from work (as well as holidays away from home) are very important, especially during challenging times to help us recharge and refresh.
While the council’s provisions for Carry Over of annual leave remain in place, the council has agreed to allow an additional 20% of leave entitlements to be carried into the next leave year (2021/22). This means that staff may carry over 40% in total from 2020/21 into 2021/22. This is an exceptional arrangement in light of the effects of Covid-19. This arrangement for the carry forward for annual leave will be repeated at the end of the 2021/22 to allow carry forward into 2022/23. This recognises the likely extension of Covid-19 impact into 2021/22.
Exceptions, with agreement of director:
* Where service requirements throughout the leave year have meant that it has not been practicable to take annual leave because of your specific work priorities related to the Covid-19 pandemic response, or you have not been able to take your leave then employees may carry over up to a maximum of 20 days.
* In the event of any misunderstanding or previous agreement between a manager and an employee to carry over leave, a case may be made to the director seeking agreement to carry over more than 20 days. In this event there should be a plan of how and when this leave will be taken.
Once carry over leave is agreed, employees’ with access to employee self-service (ESS), will need to request and record the amount to be carried over so that their leave records are updated accordingly for the next leave year. Employee’s who do not have access to ESS, will follow local arrangements which are already in place.
COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Programme for Local Authority workers
Following national guidance Health and Social Care staff have been able to access vaccines via the NHS Vaccination Programme, and the Government has expanded access to include some other very specific services within local government e.g. staff who work in crematoriums and staff working with those affected by homelessness.
The NHS is very keen to ensure that no vaccines go to waste and so they are also operating a standby list.
In view of this, and in preparation, should the Government expand the vaccination programme, we are inviting colleagues to register their interest in having the Covid-19 vaccine via the stand by list. Registering now would enable us to verify that you are a local authority worker and to pass your details to the NHS, so they can invite you for a vaccine either via their standby list and/or if the Government expands the access for public sector workers.
We are inviting LB Southwark Council employees and agency workers to complete the form below and to register their interest in receiving a Covid-19 vaccine from the Covid-19 NHS Vaccination Programme stand by list.
The Covid-19 vaccines are free, safe and highly effective in protecting you and others. The council and Trade Unions are encouraging colleagues to have a Covid-19 vaccine and we’re delighted that while the Government consider future eligible cohorts, that locally the NHS locally are operating a standby list to ensure no wastage of the life-saving, vaccines.
If you register, we will verify that you are a local authority worker and we will forward your details to the NHS locally who are managing the programme and their standby list.
By completing this form you are giving Southwark Council your consent to share your personal data with the NHS solely for the purposes of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.
Click here to complete the Registration form
You can scan the QR code below from a personal device, to link to the Registration form
Health & Wellbeing Toolkit
The Toolkit contains lots of information about Health and Wellbeing with links to helpful services and resources.
It pulls together resources that promote mental health and wellbeing, physical wellness and fitness (including DSE exercises), financial wellness, remote working and domestic abuse support.
If you require any additional support, please speak to your manager or contact HR by emailing
This is a completely confidential advice and support service that provides practical information and emotional support to help employees manage and reduce the impact of life’s events, whether of a work or personal nature. It is available 24/7, 365 days of the year.
Counselling is also available, where appropriate.
Call: 0800 756 3354 any time
or visit and create your account for a personalised wellbeing plan.
If you find that your work is affecting your mental wellbeing, please discuss this with your line manager who can support you in reviewing your working arrangements using the council’s stress risk assessment process. This is designed to help support you and develop a plan.
Managers can access the Managers Guidance and a Stress Risk Assessment
These 5 actions can help to strengthen and protect our mental wellbeing:
Connect more, by spending time with others (even if it is virtually)
Be Active, especially outdoors in green space if possible
Take notice of the world around us and what we are feeling
Keep Learning new things
Give something back – it can be a real boost and incredibly rewarding
You can find out more about the 5 ways on the NHS website. NHS website.
Smart Working
What is Smart Working
Smart Working Laptop Rollout and Office Refresh
Smart Working FAQs
Smart Working Secuirty Considerations
Remote working
We’ve created a Remote Working Day Infographic to depict how we are working remotely, from using Microsoft Teams and Yammer to keep in touch, taking regular breaks from the screen and taking advantage of the learning resources available on My Learning Source.
The Supporting Remote Working During COVID-19 page on My Learning Source provides resources and further training to help staff and managers adjust to this new way of working and managing a team.
Some useful guides and documents are also available at the end of this page to support remote working. This includes:
• Tips for maintaining team communication and cohesion remotely
• Tips for creating a sustainable meeting culture when working remotely
Video conferencing and online meetings
Microsoft Teams
All colleagues with a email address have been set up with a Microsoft Teams licence. Microsoft Teams should always be used, over any other product, for;
•Internal team meetings (using ‘Meet’ option in a Team), one to ones, and cross-organisation meetings
•Instant messaging, sharing documents and group video/audio calling, either in dedicated ‘Teams’ (a group created for Teams to collaborate and work together) or as adhoc conversations.
Zoom should only be used when;
•The meeting is expected to have over 250 participants
•It is mandatory or strongly preferred to see all participants (as Teams currently only shows 9 people), e.g. training sessions or online statutory public meetings, which require all participants to be seen if possible
•Other external guests do not use Microsoft Teams AND the organiser in Southwark cannot generate a link
If you need to use Zoom, you should sign up at using your Southwark email address. You should then accept the corporate domain privacy settings.
The Information Governance (IG) and Security teams have put together some helpful guidance, tips and advice for protecting data whilst working from home. Please keep in mind security considerations for using Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
Teams and Yammer
All staff with a Southwark email address are now able to use Microsoft Teams and Yammer to support team communications and collaboration particularly when working remotely.
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration application, whereby you can instant message your colleagues and communicate via video and audio conferencing. You can use this on your personal devices, such as smartphones, laptops and computers, and it won’t interfere with your personal files, photos or information.
Yammer is a platform whereby you can communicate with colleagues’ council-wide, and receive information much like a noticeboard. Yammer is much like a social platform for communicating with colleagues and other teams.
You can download the apps in the AppStore on your personal and/or corporate device (for example, on your smartphone or table). You can also access both Teams and Yammer via an internet browser on your personal or corporate devices.
Your experience will be better if you access the applications via a personal or corporate device, rather than from within Citrix. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to this document.
For training on Teams and Yammer, please visit the ‘Applications’ section in the Digital Skills Portal on MyLearningSource.
There are also some helpful FAQs linked here.
More information:
•‘Everyday Microsoft Teams Etiquette’
•‘How to arrange meetings on Teams’
•‘Tips and Tricks for Effective Meetings’
•’12 Top Tips for Inclusive Virtual Meetings’
•‘Teams Features to help you focus’
•‘Lesser Known Microsoft Team Features’
• Microsoft Teams: Tips and Tricks group on Yammer
We understand that poor financial wellbeing can impact on health in terms of poor psychological wellbeing, higher stress and anxiety levels, and lower levels of good health.
Money management contributes to people’s sense of security and confidence in being able to live comfortably. The Money Advice Service website offers impartial information and guidance on financial matters including:
* Budget planning
* Money Health Check
* Savings Calculator
We have put all the information you need to help with managing the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in one place on the Source.
This includes supportive HR Guidance.
Self-isolation The Council will support you if you or someone you live with has symptoms of coronavirus and are therefore are self-isolating’. You will be paid for your self-isolation period and/or where you are well, we will help facilitate it that you can work from home, where possible.
Sick Absence If staff are diagnosed with coronavirus, the Council would expect line managers to exercise discretion to the sickness absence trigger in these circumstances.
Managers should hold a return to work meeting however there is no need to conduct a formal guidance interview as a result of the coronavirus.
In addition, managers are asked not to necessarily expect a ‘fit note’ if staff are diagnosed with the coronavirus or any other condition during the lockdown.
Paid Special Leave For those staff directly employed by the Council who cannot work due to their child’s school/nursery closure they will need to advise their line manger that they will not be available to work. The manager will record this as ‘special paid leave’ on the SAP system.
Social Distancing All of us are asked to socially distance however there are some staff in a high risk category due to an underlying health condition. The Council have made reasonable adjustments to ensure that those who are vulnerable can stay home even if they are unable to work from home.
This group are advised to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household.
Guidance on Shielding staff transitioning back to the workplace From 1 August 2020, those shielding will no longer need to shield but will need to continue maintaining strict social distancing. Please see the specific Guidance box below for more information.
Reasonable Adjustments Mechanisms for requesting DSE equipment for working remotely are in place where required.
Likewise, support will be put in place for those with an existing mental health condition that requires reasonable adjustments.
It’s also important to remember to look after our general wellbeing during this time. Stress can make us more likely to rely on unhealthy coping strategies like smoking or drinking more alcohol.
Try the links below to find out more:
Access online and telephone support to quit smoking - Stop smoking support
Learn more about the importance of nutrition and healthy eating in free bite size e-learning course exploring obesity in Southwark
Find online resources tips on becoming more physically active, as well as links to useful resources and apps - Move More
Free Council library services and resources available to all staff, including access to e-books and audio resources, family activities, online arts and culture events, and adult learning opportunities - Library registration
Mental Health Foundation booklet on Managing Stress
Every Mind Matters
Good Thinking
Council Web-pages - Taking care of your mind
Staff Networks - The Council has a number of staff-organised social groups and networks. Find out more at http://thesource/staff-interest/staff-groups/
From 1 August 2020 those shielding will no longer need to shield but will need to continue maintaining strict social distancing.
The council will help those that have been shielding, as they are clinically extremely vulnerable, to transition back to work safely and support them to keep to social distancing in their workplace (if they cannot work from home).
This means that if they are unable to work from home but can work on site, they should do so, provided their workplace is COVID-safe.
It is inevitable that some shielding staff will be anxious about returning to work. Discussions between staff and manager is of critical importance.
Guidance has been developed to help ensure the smooth transition back to work.
Able Futures provide a wide range of mental health support services delivered by qualified health care professionals. They will listen to you to understand any difficulties you are experiencing, and create an individual plan of support. The service is confidential, fast and flexible and is available over the phone, and through email.
Contact Able Future
Online at
Via email using
By calling their Free phone number: 0800 321 3137 (8am to 10.30pm, Monday to Friday)
Mental Health First Aiders are available during working hours to assist you and are able to offer support, reassurance and signposting to reputable national charities and services.
To access the support please contact a MHFA from the list available on the Source
For more links to mental health support, including the Council’s Mental Health First Aiders and a range of reliable and free websites and apps, go to The Source, or get more information from your manager.
Resilience is the ability to maintain personal wellbeing in the face of challenge.
Taking steps to look after your wellbeing can help you deal with pressure, and reduce the impact that stress has on your life.
This is sometimes called developing emotional resilience – the ability to adapt and bounce back when something difficult happens in your life.
How resilient am I?
You can access and take a free test to help you take stock of, assess and improve your resilience online.
Here are some resilience resources to assist you:
Working comfortably and safely remotely
See the updated Interim Health & Safety guidance page for tips on meeting your health and safety needs whilst working at home for this prolonged period, including exercises you can do at your desk and a FAQ document for managers on managing remote workers’ DSE requirements.
DSE Exercises
DSE Exercises Sheet 1- Wrist, Hand, Forearms
DSE Exercises- Sheet 2- Neck & Shoulders
DSE Exercises- Sheet 3- Back & Legs
Useful stress-related resources:
General NHS page on stress:
HSE Talking Toolkit to help managers have initial conversations about stress at work:
If you are experiencing a crisis and/or need urgent support right now, please consider seeking help via:
•Accident & Emergency (A&E) or by calling 999;
•By making an Emergency GP appointment; or
•Calling the Samaritans free on tel. 116 123
The Samaritans provide 24-hour emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts -
You can also contact the NHS by dialling 111 who can tell you about other support services.
Or just speak to someone you trust.
Please know there are people who will listen to you, and support you.
Mental Health First Aiders
We have Mental Health First Aiders available during working hours to help you and offer support and reassurance although they do not provide counselling. They can also show you where else to get help.
To find one please check out the Source or look out for the list on the noticeboards. If one Mental Health First Aiders is unavailable, please try another one from the list.
The impact of COVID-19 on the Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority communities, the murder of George Floyd and the personal impact of racism on people can all affect our wellbeing and mental health.
We recognise that Black Asian and Minority Ethnic staff have been impacted by racism and racial inequality during their lives.
We want to continue to support you. If you have been affected by racism in your life, we have arranged Optima Group Support sessions for Black Asian and Minority Ethnic staff impacted by racism and racial inequality. The sessions will provide emotional and trauma support.
Group Support Sessions available to help deal with the personal impact of racism
Session dates:
The sessions are free and are aimed at staff who would like to:
•Discuss racism and how it has impacted you
•Have a space to talk about your life experiences of racism inside or outside of work
•Explore how you might deal with some of the stresses/impacts that result from racism
•Discover and share coping strategies
•Learn about the support available and where to get help You can sign up to the support group webinar through My Learning Source.
The council has announced a programme of work, called ‘Southwark stands together’. In summary this work will include:
• identifying positive opportunities for the celebration of more diverse figures
• listening to concerns and identifying solutions to address entrenched and persistent racism and injustice
Please be reminded of the Southwark Council’s EMpower Staff Network which aims to raise aspirations of and improve career prospects for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnicity (BAME) staff through facilitating and promoting various networking, learning and development and peer-to-peer mentoring opportunities.
For more information check out the staff networks page on the Source.
Health & Wellbeing Plan
This is a live framework for activities to support the health and wellbeing of Council staff during the Covid-19 outbreak.
We believe in prioritising our wellbeing together. You can use the wellbeing plan to get up-to-date information on the approach we are taking and find out more about our council wide health and wellbeing activities linked to national awareness days, or bespoke health campaigns for Southwark Council staff.
This framework is informed by the principles outlined in the briefing, as well as evidence of good practice and the literature on mental health in emergency situations, as well as learnings from the mental health and wellbeing response to the London Bridge terror attack in 2017.
The Wellbeing Plan outlines our actions and priorities on staff health and wellbeing, as well as our proposed activities for the next few months.
The current Covid-19 situation may make people feel more stressed and anxious. As an employer, we want to make sure that stress is taken as seriously as physical health concerns. Stress is a significant factor in mental health problems including anxiety and depression but it is also linked to longer term physical health problems like heart disease and diabetes
By the nature of pandemics, most people will be impacted in some way by Covid-19 and thus may experience heightened distress in the short-term.
Building and supporting resilience and wellbeing in individuals can help empower them to overcome their distress without additional mental health or wellbeing support.
There are added considerations in the current situation, as members of staff not only have to deal with the psychological impacts of Covid-19 at a personal level, they will also have to adapt to very different working arrangements because of the need to socially distance.
This may have physiological as well as physical impacts on health.
It is important to remember that this may be the case for many people.