Sorry, applications for this job are no longer possible

The role

Our current Assistant Director, Assessment and Safeguarding, will be leaving her role for a more senior job in another authority. I am seeking to recruit to an Assistant Director who would cover Safeguarding, Care and Permanence Services. It is important to retain strategic capacity to continue to lead our services and improve outcomes for children and young people, and those that care for them, as well as the best way to put that in place. This post role is offered on an interim basis as a secondment opportunity for 18 months and allows for some significant changes ahead including:

• The development of Adopt South, Regional Adoption Agency which means significant functions of our Adoption Service leaving the Council.

• The development of a new Care Leaver Service, and possible Alternative Delivery Vehicle for this

• The planning for Queens Road 4 and what opportunities co-location may give for how we arrange and deliver our services

You will take leadership in relation to:

• Care Pathways and Permanence

• Resource Management

• Vulnerable Adolescents

You will also play a major part in leading improvements for children in care and working with Alasdair Smith, Director of Children’s and Families and Jenny Brennan, AD for Family Early Help & Youth Justice, along with the rest of DMT, to continue to develop a culture of working together to continue to support and develop the best conditions for practice and ensure better outcomes.

If you are interested in the role and would like to find out more details about: the practicalities involved in the role; what support could be put in place for you; and any questions you may have in relation to it, please arrange a meeting with Alasdair Smith through Amanda Grant via

To apply, please complete our online application form and upload an up to date CV with a detailed supporting statement (no longer than 2 pages of A4) that addressing what you would bring to the AD role and how you would provided the leadership needed in relation to the identified areas above.

Additional details:
We will only consider applications from internal candidates that are current employees or agency workers on an active assignment

Salary range £71,160 - £89,520 p.a. plus a cash benefit package to the value of £3,503 p.a. pro-rata (subject to annual review)

Recruitment timetable
Closing date 11 July 2018
Interviews and assessment will take place on 17th July 2018 a.m.
