
Southwark is committed to making this website accessible. For information in an accessible format, please click here. 

International standards

We are compliant with the WorldWide Web Consortium's (W3C) guidelines on accessibility and are continually working on improving our standards.

Viewing this website

This website has been designed to be compatible with all modern browsers. Not every browser will allow you to change the way you view the page, but here are some tips that may make our site more accessible for you.

  • This site is best viewed in 1024 x 768 pixels or above, using 256 colours or above
  • You may be able to change the size of the text and alter the choice of font
  • When you search for a job, click on the refresh button or F5 on your keyboard on each page visited to ensure your settings are maintained

Visually Impaired people

We recommend using the browser settings to change the font size on the pages. Screen readers will work on these web pages.

All Southwark libraries have a computer running Dolphin Supernova, which gives screen magnification and audio assistance for people who are visually impaired. It is free to surf the internet in Southwark's libraries.


If you are experiencing certificate errors while browsing the site then it's likely that your version of Windows needs to be validated by Microsoft.

To do this, download and install the latest updates or go to the

Microsoft download centre.

Assistive technology help

To find out more about these technologies and further information please visit the RNIB website.